Tuesday 12 October 2010

Tuesday's Tales

Sam the dog and Nante the elephant came in to say Hello , accompanied by Emma and Holly. Sam and Nante appeared in the animated film, which Holly had great fun directing a few scenes assisted by Susan from B arts.  

To watch Emma's story of Sam and her memories of a trip to the operating theatre at the local hospital... CLICK HERE  

Holly loves "Nante" the toy elephant - see and hear Holly talk about him...

We had various visitors and passersby gazing inside throughout the day including office workers and those involved in the Stoke town centre regeneration meeting, people who were taking a tour around the town. They looked through the SHOP windows whilst they viewed the old Spode site, with their clipboards  and pens and a few ventured inside SHOP with Gemma to see what it was all about !  

Helen was passing by and decided to share her story about a dolls house that was important to her as a child.

Two lovely mums who were just about to catch their bus, decided to call in with their children . The meerkat took part in the the project and signed up to B arts Barefoot Doctors project.

Kay introduced us to the lovely "Tabby Tom" CLICK HERE
Barney, explained how childhood playtime lead to a career CLICK HERE

As the day progressed the Toy Town really started to take shape with ouse s train track and Spode tower springing up from the cardboard, tissue ,paper and newspapers, wire , plastic straws and glue. The toys looked quite at home in their custom made residencies - including eco-homes, caves, riverside apartments and houses with amazing waterfall views with leaping salmon and  wild moorland even jungle for Tabby Tom

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