Thursday 14 October 2010

Recap on Wednesday's stories

We received another six stories on Wednesday -  during our final day in SHOP-Stoke. There were more stories told to us during the day  - but some people were camera shy or started to talk more once filming had finished. Such stories included a beautifully described tale about a rather ingenious home-made watering contraption created by two young boys in Kurdistan. 

We heard about toys living in the attic and about people who had no toys, in particular a person who lived in a children's home during the 1960's. The home had very few toys - unfortunately, the toys that could be remembered were broken toys. 

We heard young children , of today's generation, talk about their toys in a loving way and holding them so tight with big smiles on their faces or talking about their toy figures as real action heroes due to seeing them in movies and television series played by actors.

We heard adults talk about how when they were children they would draw all the time or make objects from the earth or things around the home -  from throw away items... recycling with imagination. This was interesting because this activity was a precursor to what they did for a career  - they became artists. 

Ben from B arts talked very enthusiastically about "StayPuff Marshmellow Man" (click for here for the filmThis was merchandise for a character in a famous 80's movie. This influential movie even led Ben to get a tattoo of the film logo later in life. Ben says he still loves a good bit or merch! 

Alan explained that he enjoyed puzzles (click here for the film) Such puzzles are traditional toys that have been around for centuries. the materials may change but the principles remain the same - toys that work the mind. 

Andrew remembered his "Fred Bear" with a patch and a storybook. (click here to see the film) 

Michelle had three short stories to share about her toys. "Pound Puppies" (click here to see film) "Green Glow Worm" (click here to see film) "Etch-a-Sketch" ( click here to see film)

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Wednesday - whats happened today

People have popped by as they were catching the bus back to Blurton,  a guy from the local family information service dropped by to see what we do, volunteers for the SHOP came in to say hello, plus past graduates and current students at Staffordshire University.
Right now its nearly 4pm and we're getting ready for the tea party. The red jelly is out and cupcakes look lovely  - good enough to eat ! Infact, I think we shall ! 

Got to dash ... some children have just popped in to see us with their mum  ... armed with Power Rangers and cuddly toys. Great !!!  

Check out tomorrow's post for all of today's films.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Tuesday's Tales

Sam the dog and Nante the elephant came in to say Hello , accompanied by Emma and Holly. Sam and Nante appeared in the animated film, which Holly had great fun directing a few scenes assisted by Susan from B arts.  

To watch Emma's story of Sam and her memories of a trip to the operating theatre at the local hospital... CLICK HERE  

Holly loves "Nante" the toy elephant - see and hear Holly talk about him...

We had various visitors and passersby gazing inside throughout the day including office workers and those involved in the Stoke town centre regeneration meeting, people who were taking a tour around the town. They looked through the SHOP windows whilst they viewed the old Spode site, with their clipboards  and pens and a few ventured inside SHOP with Gemma to see what it was all about !  

Helen was passing by and decided to share her story about a dolls house that was important to her as a child.

Two lovely mums who were just about to catch their bus, decided to call in with their children . The meerkat took part in the the project and signed up to B arts Barefoot Doctors project.

Kay introduced us to the lovely "Tabby Tom" CLICK HERE
Barney, explained how childhood playtime lead to a career CLICK HERE

As the day progressed the Toy Town really started to take shape with ouse s train track and Spode tower springing up from the cardboard, tissue ,paper and newspapers, wire , plastic straws and glue. The toys looked quite at home in their custom made residencies - including eco-homes, caves, riverside apartments and houses with amazing waterfall views with leaping salmon and  wild moorland even jungle for Tabby Tom

Monday 11 October 2010

Monday's Stories

Here is Michelle telling us her memories of her lovely monkey named "Jacko"

Susan shared her story of the quite simply named "Doll" hand made by Aunty Kathleen.

Saturday 9 October 2010

8th October - stories to get you started

Just before our residency we asked a couple of members from the b arts team to share their stories about a favourite toy. Rebecca had her toys with here whilst Trevelyan told a lasting memory about a landmark toy in his childhood.

Rebecca's story about her treasured childhood friend "Mege" the well travelled doll.


Trevelyan's short film describes "Mac Mountain" -  this toys was almost a right of passage.